To motivate and encourage the students to excel in various fields in school, appreciating them by awarding them annually.
- One student from each wing (Pre - Primary and Middle Wing) is selected who excels in both curricular and co-curricular areas.
- Top five students from each class are awarded for outstanding performance in Academics.
- Awards for 100% Attendance is given to the students not taking even a single leave in whole class.
- One student each from Primary and Middle Wing with excellent communication skills is awarded with Proficiency Award
- One Student each from Pre - Primary, Primary and Middle Wing is awarded with Special Award for Calligraphy and Notebook Maintenance.
- Every month, one student is selected from each class on the basis of his/her contribution and achievements for the month and his/her name is reflected on the school website.
- Various Inter-class and Inter-house competitions are organized throughout the year. Merit Certificates are awarded to the talented students.
- All Rounder from each wing will be awarded.