  • Affiliation Code (1413310)
  • Phone : 01127864707, 01127553902
  • Address : F - Block, Sector - 9, Rohini, Delhi - 110085

Code Of Conduct For Students

  1. Come to school clean, well groomed and in proper uniform with shoes well polished.
  2. Be regular in attendance and never be late to school Late comers and students in improper uniform will be sent back home
  3. Refrain form pushing, shoving, blocking walkways or causing disturbance.
  4. A student with any kind of undesired behaviour will not be allowed to be part of excursions organized by school.
  5. Children are not allowed to bring wear valuables (gold, precious ornaments etc) to the school.
  6. The student should report back to school within 8 working days at the beginning of new session, failing which the name will be struck off the school roll.
  7. Boys should have neatly trimmed hair and girls should either cut their hair short/neatly lie in plaits.
  8. Special care must be taken of all school property. Do not litter and use the garbage bins, Do not scratch or spoil the desks, chairs and charts or damage school furniture. Do not write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belongings of others.
  9. Damage or breakage done even accidently should be reported to the class teacher. The students will be required to pay for any damage to school property. The school reserves the right to suspend/expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students or to the school.
  10. Students are not allowed to carry valuable items or gadgets inside the school premises. If it is found during search, it will be confiscated and strict disciplinary action will be taken.
  11. Bullying and use of foul language is prohibited and punishable as per school rules.
  12. A student returning to school after suffering from any infection or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate of fitness permitting himiber to attend the school.
  13. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than s consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the roll Re-admission may be granted only after payment of a fresh admission fee.